Shadows cannot see themselves in the mirror of the sun - Eva Perron..................
Worry gives a small thing a big shadow - Swedish proverb ............................
Take everything that’s bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself… When you are able to say, ‘I am … my shadow as well as my light,’ the shadow’s power is put in service of the good. - Parker J. Palmer........................You can only come to the morning through the shadows. - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Nice!!! Love what looks to be early morning light bathing the stand of trees in a golden light. Makes for a sweet moment in life and you've suspended it in time.
Strom eukalyptus na Slovensku nerastie. Naposledy som ho videla v stredomorských krajinách. Ďakujem, že som mohla u teba zdieľať moje fotografie. Eucalyptus tree growing not in Slovakia. Last time I saw him in the Mediterranean countries. Thank you that I can share with you my photo.
Eucalyptus is Cali? I thought this tree only grow Downunder §;-) Am I funny? but I am honest though!
So calm and the almost Autumn colour around is beautiful.
Happy SSS2 my friends,
Hugs from D´Box,
/CC girl
Nice!!! Love what looks to be early morning light bathing the stand of trees in a golden light. Makes for a sweet moment in life and you've suspended it in time.
Gorgeous shot of the trees and shadows!
Love your poem as well.
Beautiful shadow shot for the day! I do love the trees LONG shadow! Terrific capture and words for the day!
what a lovely shadowy scene
The shadows are fantastic.
The trees make for a shady oasis in the desert - a place for renewal during the day, a holy retreat at night...
Hello, this is a very beautiful photograph of very special trees and magical long shadows!
Excellent and wonderful photograph!
Very best wishes from Kaya.
Strom eukalyptus na Slovensku nerastie. Naposledy som ho videla v stredomorských krajinách. Ďakujem, že som mohla u teba zdieľať moje fotografie.
Eucalyptus tree growing not in Slovakia. Last time I saw him in the Mediterranean countries. Thank you that I can share with you my photo.
Eucaliptos são lindos e abraço!
So strange to see eucalypts in your world! Though I know that eucalypts grow in Egypt because they are so drought resistant.
I never knew it grew like that...that must be so fragrant in and around there!...:)JP
Love those shadows that lead into the photo!
Beautiful multiple shadows!.....Christine
That could be a shot in Oz! Great shadows.
Lovely poem to go with the photo. Mickie :)
How I've missed SSS! Fine shadows!!
Looks calm and magical
Beautiful! Joining in Shadow Shot Sunday 2 with some Siberian Husky Sibling Snuggling! Happy Sunday!
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