
Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Presidents.. Shadow of History

MY daughter brought this home from school. She made it during President's Day celebration. You may read the history of President's day here. Below is two quotes that I like about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington taken from Quote Garden.

"Abraham Lincoln - the spirit incarnate of those who won victory in the Civil War - was the true representative of this people, not only for his own generation, but for all time, because he was a man among men. ~" Theodore Roosevelt
" If I were to characterize George Washington's feelings toward his country, I should be less inclined than most people to stress what is called Washington's love of his country. What impresses me as far more important is what I should call Washington's respect for his country. ~Randolph G. Adams"

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Rose (chubskulit)

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Thank you all for  joining.  Have a great weekend!


  1. A most creative activity for the children! This is lovely!

  2. Better to remain silent and
    be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Muito interessante, gostei da criatividade da professora ao indicar esse trabalho. Citou dois presidentes de grande personalidade. UM abraço!

  4. Great shadow shot from a school project Rose!
    I think you will find Mark Twain said this "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." LOL
    Joy ;-)

  5. Looks like Washington has a curly rat tail!

  6. lovely poster
    well done
    and a bonus shadow :)

  7. Great shadow shot for the day and a wonderful poster!! Always fun to get two for one!! Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend, Rose!

  8. what a thoughtful creation for President's Day and I really appreciate the quotes.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Wonderful view of history - and great quotes too! Too bad that schools these days do not teach history as they used to...

  10. I'm relieved to see that schools are still teaching about these two presidents! nicely done with the ribbon's shadow

  11. I like this poster a lot! It's always good to see what the little ones are creating and learning in school.

    What grade is she in now? I'm guessing third grade. ;-)

  12. She's in the second grade Patti. That's one thing I like about the school they go to, they still teaches religion and practices patriotism and stuff. I don't think public school teaches about religion anymore, do they?

  13. It's a great way to mobilize the kids nowadays.

    Great shadows.

    Enjoy and GB...

    Hugs from D´Box.
    /CC girl

  14. This is a nice one ... and thanks for the history hint ! Have a nice Sunday !

  15. When I was a child we would make these presidential silhouettes and post them in the huge hung windows of our classroom. There was no President's Day back then. Washington's and Lincoln's birthday were celebrated separately. Ok I'm showing my age. :) I've posted.

  16. Could the host please delete link 41? It's the wrong shadow shot post. Thank you! CrazyasaCoolFox :)

  17. Nice to see what kids are really doing and learning today...I just found out that they stopped teaching cursive!! That's insane!...:)JP

  18. Fortunately, in my children's school, they still teaches cursive. In fact, that is what my daughter's teacher is teaching them now. I taught my daughter in advance with it though so she knows already how to write in cursive.


Always remember, a sign of shadows means a sign of light.