
Saturday, March 21, 2015

pelican and friends...

pelicans and seagulls at Hastings...

fish time
all possibilities
are open

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
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** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!


  1. Either you have a long lens or that pelican isn't shy! Wow! Talk about up close-such a cool shot.

  2. Love those action shadows. Great shot!

  3. I love pelicans - especially when they make that high speed dive into the water for dinner. To see the seafood from far above and to place your order in the sky is amazing. Less a fan of seagulls though :)

  4. everything open including pelican's mouth! what amazing birds they are- thank you for sharing this

  5. hah! It's always fish time for pelicans! Nicely done!

  6. I wonder what he's saying. Something like ....that's all folks? Pelicans remind me of cartoon characters.

  7. Hello Gem,

    Wow! Still amazing weather? No wonder those stylish pelicans are still grooving out.

    Happy SSS and enjoy the weekend.


  8. Funny looking creature! Glad everyone there looks bright and cheerful.

  9. pelicans always seem such humorous creatures

  10. Love pelicans. They remind me of my Father who always recited the Edward Lear poem on sighting one
    "A wonderful bird is the pelican
    His beak can hold more than his belly can
    He can hold in his beak
    Enough food for a week
    But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican.

    Great shot, nice haiku

  11. Amazing birds! Well captured.

  12. That is such a pretty pelican! Fantastic shot!!

  13. Lovely pelicans, I saw some in our zoo lately here.

  14. WOW! When I opened this, I said out loud..." beans!!!" Now I know those words may not be descriptive, but they are from the heart!...:)JP

  15. I think he might be smiling!


Always remember, a sign of shadows means a sign of light.