
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lengthening shadows

 photo DSC_0026203_zps8fb3svxg.jpg
Yuma Pioneer Cemetery, Yuma, Arizona

Photo © 2016 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Welcome to the magical world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:

Magical Mystical Teacher
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!


  1. That is a tough land, the hard gray soil looking so unforgiving - as these brave pioneers found out. The flowers add a colorful and welcoming touch to the harsh graveyard...

  2. Funny how a simple image like this can say so much about a time gone by.

  3. wonderful capture, MMT! if the flowers are not silk, these flowers have been freshly laid on the grave site.

  4. early morning or late evening the shadows are lovely!

  5. This puts everything into perspective...beautiful!...:)JP


Always remember, a sign of shadows means a sign of light.