
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Return to Me with all Your Heart

This Easter,
let us offer 
a moment 
of silence to
  pray for those 
people who were affected by the mudslide in 
Washington community and the people of
 Chile who were 
affected by the 
earthquake and
for those who
are suffering.
Your hosts are:

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  1. The shadow is like the spirit behind everything.

  2. It seems odd that we forget all gifts we receive from God...even as we whine about so insignificant and events in our lives. Yet, it takes tragic events to force us to forget our 'problems' and dwell on the tragedies and loss of so many others. this time of Easter where Life is the lesson we learn every year, we are thankful for this gift of life as we avert our eyes heavenward...

  3. Amen to that Ralph, this is a scheduled post so I wasn't able to include the stabbing tragedy in school in Pennsylvania. Let us also offer a prayer for them.

  4. Ralph said it so perfectly-they are all in my prayers and thoughts. It is easy to forget about other people's hardships when we get caught up in our day to day lives.

  5. Beautiful photo and message for all of us. So much tragedy in this world - let us unite in prayer to uphold all those suffering and in pain.

  6. a beautiful tribute to those who are suffering

  7. God forgive us for all we've done.

    Yes, we forget that gifts and above all, it seems people don't believe that HE don't exist.

    Pray for us.

    Have a blessed Sunday All.

  8. That's a very powerful image. Thanks for sharing. Happy Easter!

  9. lovely shadows- Happy Easter and Passover!

  10. While the shadow mirrors the image, the reality is love for all...:)JP


Always remember, a sign of shadows means a sign of light.