
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Welcome to the New World of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Welcome to the new world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts will be:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman
Standby hosts:
Suzanne (coloradolady)

Scroll down to view a Google Calendar with hosting dates!

Tracy of Brisbane, Australia, was our fearless leader, but now work commitments mean that she will need to hand over the reins!

A message from Tracy:
I started SSS in May of 2008 and it's been an absolute blast as I've met so many wonderful bloggers during this time and I feel so very fortunate because of that. You guys have been such a pleasure in getting to know and I want to thank you so very much for participating in this little meme. It's meant a great deal to me! Anyway, next Sunday will be the last SSS hosted here on this blog. (Hey Harriet)

I hope we can continue the marvelous work initiated by our Tracy!
She may even guest blog sometimes!

And thank you ever so much to all those who volunteered to help!
So many wanted to continue Shadow Shot Sunday!
Trace - You've made shadows legendary!

Originally hosted by Tracy @ Hey Harriet

The first link will appear below on Sunday 18th December - Australian Eastern Standard Time - just after midnight!

Ensure you link to your blog post and have fun visiting others


  1. I'm impressed by how this new site is taking shape. Marvellous job, Gemma!

  2. Great job Gem, you rock! I just followed our site, hooray!

  3. Woohoo! How awesome is this!?! Fantastic job Gemma! And thanks again team for taking this on. It makes me very happy :) xo

  4. And I'll leave a comment from my regular old bloggy too!

    Too many emails and passwords for my little brain to handle :)

  5. well hello everyone and yes! a great job here Gemma. thanks for all your work...and cheers to us all!

  6. Heisann all of you, and specially chubskulit who visited me on my blog this autumn.
    Strange to see your 'sun waggon' photo. It reminds my of a similar archaeological findings of the Norse time.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year!
    Greetings from Bjorg Nina

  7. great job, indeed!

    wishing an awesome weekend!

  8. I've been doing a little background searching for the new Shadow Shot, my question is [when I update my SSS2 linked button on my sidebar...will I need to use this link to link up?]

    I so enjoy Shadow Shots and viewing all those that have offerings for the weekend.

    If you have time, let me know...
    Thanks for taking over and making it a team....
    I wish you all all the success with this new 'adventure'.


  9. Woohoo! It's all happening! Great job guys!

    I just realised that some people may have already linked to my blog in their posts due to fact that I said last week I'd be hosting the last one this week. Some may think to edit but if not, no biggie as my blog directs people here anyway. They'll realise to link to this one next week :)

    Thanks again for giving SSS a new cosy home and taking care of things! xo

  10. wow, great to be here!
    All the best to the brand new hosting team!

    ps. pls change commenting possible with URL and name!!!! thanks!!!

  11. i miss this meme while i was away for a short trip....will be backed to post my entry..good luck to the new team!

    Travel Snapshots

  12. awesome job girls...and the shadows roll on!! thanks to tracy for starting and thanks to gemma, mmt and rose for continuing!!! Happy SSS everyone!!!

  13. Oh, happy day!!! I was feeling a bit 'lost' when I was facing the reality last week of not being able to post with fellow SSS'rs every week, so a HUGE thank you to our new team who lovingly took up the reins from our fearless leader, as lost, but am found!
    Yippee!!!! (insert image of me kicking up my heels gleefully).

  14. Thank you so much for taking over SSS - I would have been very upset if I was no longer able to get my weekly fix of shadows!!

  15. good to see you carrying on with Harriet's idea

  16. This is a fun meme and I'm glad a new team has successfully taken the baton from Tracy! Hurray and thanks!

  17. Congratulations on your new site here, and best wishes for a successful and fun continuance of SSS. thanks for hosting!

  18. What a wonderfully seamless transition! Great work, all of you - and thanks to you all for stepping up to save this great meme.

  19. Thanks for becoming the new "hosts"--it is such a fun meme to participate in. Mickie :)

  20. Thanks so much for keeping this meme going. I know that many people including me are very grateful.

  21. Welcome to the new team!
    Thanks for doing this nice transition.
    Shalom to all.

  22. The new site looks GREAT! Many thanks to Gemma and ALL those who are joining in as hosts or backups so that this wonderful meme can continue on. I appreciate you!!

  23. Hey you guys !!
    Some how I missed the boat totally about Tracy handing the reins over .. now I just added myself but under plain "Joy" instead of CanadianGardenJoy and now I can't get back in to fix it .. wahhhh!
    Wow on the awesome job here Gemma and I hope I can keep up with where ever it goes next ??
    Joy (CanadianGardenJoy)

  24. Great job and thanks so much for keeping an awesome tradition alive!!!

    We owe you a debt of gratitude and the site is awesome!


  25. Gosh! THis is pretty terrific! Thanks so much!

  26. Hey Gemma! Thank you and the other ladies for taking over!! We appreciate it. Best wishes!

  27. Gemma, great work. Thanks to the team for hosting. Happy that it continues.

  28. No time for withdrawal symptoms! You have done a fabulous job of taking on the reins from the wonderful Tracy! We will all miss her that's for sure!

  29. I am so glad you are going to carry on the tradition. :-)

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  30. Wow, this is great. Thanks a lot, Gemma.

    Happy Sunday

  31. I'm SO pleased that SSS will continue, thanks to Gemma and all of you who have stepped up. And I'm totally chuffed to be included in your final SSS gallery, Tracy!

  32. Many thanks for picking up the reins and becoming a new host for Shadow Shot Sunday! I've enjoyed this tremendously and meeting fellow photographers and seeing all the interesting shadow shots!

  33. You people rock. Thank you so, so much for saving my top fave meme.

    Any chance there could be a thumbnail linky sometimes? That encourages cross visiting so much, I think. Thanks again, such a great job, and so quick!

  34. Thanks for hosting! I'm starting to enjoy taking shadow shots!!

  35. thanks for all the great weeks of Shadow Shot Sunday-

  36. This looks great, Gemma!

    Thank you so much for hosting and helping to continue this fun meme with the others on your team.I really appreciate it.

    Photographing shadows and seeing what other people find is fun and addictive. ;-)

    Have a great week and a Merry Christmas!

  37. Adorable granddaughters! I see beautiful women in the future! :):)

  38. Thank you new hosts and many thanks to Hey Harriet!

  39. some nice shadows in this shot

  40. Way to go Gemma and all of you for taking over this great meme - it's always been my favorite :)
    I'll try to post this coming week - and please feel free to add me to your list of standby hosts!


Always remember, a sign of shadows means a sign of light.