A big hello everyone! It’s Tracy from
Hey Harriet here and I can’t believe I’ve been out of the shadow shooting loop for so long! It sure is nice to be here this week kicking off the first SSS of this winter season! Well, it’s winter here downunder. I envy those of you on the other side of the pond enjoying lovely warm weather right now! My shadow shot for this week was taken last weekend at a north Brisbane bayside suburb called Sandgate while I was basking in the last of our autumn sunshine. As it’s been a dreary rainy week this week I sure am glad that I had that photo saved and ready to post! Anyway, I’m looking forward to doing the rounds and visiting shadow shooters this weekend and catching up with everyone. I’m also looking forward to discovering newer shadow shooters that have since joined this meme since I stopped hosting it. The new hosts sure have been doing an amazing job and it makes me so happy to see things have been continuing on so wonderfully. Ok, now hop to it & go post your shadows & link up pronto!
I want to see them all!
Cheers Tracy xo
Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman
May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!